Getting started

This guide will walk you through setting up Gazelle on your machine and how to create a new full-stack project.


To use Gazelle, make sure to have Flutter and Dart on your computer, if you don't have that, please follow this guide and get back here when you are ready!

After you made sure that Flutter is up and running on your machine, install the Gazelle CLI with the following command:

dart pub global activate gazelle_cli

That's it! You are now ready to start building your full-stack application with Gazelle and Flutter!

Creating a full-stack project

Creating a full-stack project with Gazelle is pretty straight forward. Open your favourite terminal and run:

gazelle create project --flutter

Gazelle will ask you for a project name, so get creative and type it into the terminal!

✨ What would you like to name your new project? 🚀
my awesome app

✅ my_awesome_app project created 🚀
💡 To navigate to your project run "cd my_awesome_app"
💡 Then, use "gazelle run" to execute it!

Note: project names should be written in snake_case format, if you type them with whitespaces Gazelle will convert them in snake_case automatically.

And you're done! You have just created a new full-stack project with Gazelle and Dart!

Next steps

In the next section, you will learn how to run your newly created project.